Tuesday, June 24, 2014


i desired you so
i could feel my insides
tremble, bumping into themselves
and fueling the rhythm
that kept us on beat

ive seen you dance since me
watching your feet
stumble in  your too-big shoes

the heat between us
melted the mattress so
on the springs, that now poke and dig
 i cannot sleep without thinking of you inching over in the dark.
i call to God
to bless and forgive, then
to you to comfort me in case he wont.

waiting for a call back,
i sit hunched -
my spine forever arched to be your little spoon.
24 June ‘14

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


In your empty space
I consider            how I fit;
which way I must maneuver my arms
in order to squeeze in
because I can feel it won’t be right
when there’s two of us.

June '14